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How to Boost Immunity Fast

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Why not boost your immunity 3 times a day or more with healthy eating? Because food is also the only energy source humans use to survive. But People eat and do things they know aren’t good for their bodies. Unluckily, we barely know how unhealthy habits can affect our body on the inside.

A weakened immune system causes disease. So, to improve the immune system you need to start by providing the body with the proper nutrients through a healthy diet. Through eating immune boosting foods on a regular basis you can keep your immune system strong and healthy

Foods to have to boost your immunity      


garlic is a powerful immune booster and a disease fighter. Garlic helps in increase the production of infection fighting white blood cells, natural killer cells and antibody. This helps the immune system to fight bacterial infection and defeat viruses or fungal infection making you 2/3rds less likely to catch a cold.

garlicAt the onset of cold consuming large quantities of garlic will reduce the amount of time it will take to get better. Garlic is also believed to protect against cancer. It removes toxins from the body. It reduces plaque buildup in arteries and lowers cholesterol. You can have fresh clove of garlic either alone or can add in other foods. This is the best way to consume.


Yogurt is a fermented milk product. Yogurt contain probiotics, live cultures of good bacteria that the body needs to keep the stomach and intestinal tract free of disease and infections originating germs. The body needs certain bacteria to function properly. In the absence of good bacteria the body can’t absorb nutrients and the immune system will close down.

yogurtProbiotics encourage white blood cells. These cells are a vital part of the immune system and fight off sickly cells, disease and infection in the body. Yogurt is low in pH, which helps to prevent bad bacteria growth in the body. When choosing yogurt make sure to opt for live and active probiotics to get the most benefits.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of many orange-fleshed vegetables high in beta-carotene, which is changed to vitamin A in the body. Both beta-carotene and vitamin A are imperative for boosting the body’s immune system. sweet potatoBeta-carotene is a powerful phytonutrient that helps to boost the immune system. It increases the construction of natural killer cells and T-cells both of which attack and kill off disease and infected microbial. Other orange-fleshed vegetables include pumpkin, squash and carrots.


Mushrooms are strong immunity booster. Mushrooms are antibiotics and antiviral. They increase the production and activity off white blood cells making them more violent. Macrophages prevent the growth of bacteria, parasites, viral infections and cancer.

MushroomsMushrooms contain all the essential nutrients as vitamins, minerals, proteins, linoleic acid, and ergo sterol, which not only boosts the immune system but also lessens cholesterol, lowers the risk of diabetes and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Hydration does help too to boost your immune system. Besides that regular exercise is must it doesn’t only boost your immunity but also keeps you away from stress. Remember it is easy to boost immune system if you follow a healthy lifestyle consistently

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